HSE Services

HSE Services

A Primary Care Team is made up of a range of Health Professionals including GP’s, Public Health Nurses, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapist and Home Help. The aim of the primary care team is to provide coordinated care for patients in their local area. You can access your local Primary Care Team by contacting your local Health Centre.


General Practitioner (GP)

Provides a broad service to their patients on all health issues and may refer patients to see specialists or hospital consultants if more specific investigation is required. This includes referrals to local Geriatrician who specialises in older persons conditions, Memory Clinics and a range of other specialist older people clinics, all of which are held locally in Kilkenny. There are lots of other health care professionals who are there to assist your GP, these are called the Primary Care team and include your Public Health Nurse, Occupational Therapist, etc.


Public Health Nurse

The Public Health Nurse works as part of the primary care team. The Public Health Nurse provides home and clinic nursing care to persons over 65 years who have a medical card. Services include post hospital care, dressings, injections, referral to respite and day care, assessment for Nursing Home Subvention, home support, nursing aids and appliances. The Public Health Nurse works with other team members to ensure your wellbeing. To contact your Public Health Nurse at your local health centre see the telephone numbers on page 46 (preferably ring them in the morning as they are out on calls most of the day).


Occupational Therapist

These services are provided to people who through illness or disability are in need of support or changes to their lifestyle. Occupational Therapists can advise on any changes that may be needed in the home to support a person with special needs and on activities that will help a person to regain their independence. Call the OT Department in Kilkenny 056 7784600 or speak to your GP or Public Health Nurse if you need assistance in this area.


Speech and Language Therapy Services

Speech and Language Therapy Services are provided for children and adults who need help developing their speech, language or who have swallowing difficulties. This service is available to children and older people who may be recovering from an illness and need specific communication and or swallowing assessment. Call/Contact Community Services, Kilkenny 056 7784600



Community Physiotherapy services are provided from the Local Health Office, helping people who have suffered an injury or illness to regain their health or mobility through exercise and movement. To contact the Physiotherapy Service call: Community Services, Kilkenny 056 7784600.


Chiropody Services

Chiropody Services are available for medical card holders. Appointments can be arranged through your Public Health Nurse at: Community Services, Kilkenny 056 7784600.



Medical Card holders are entitled to Ophthalmic or Eye Testing Services which you can access by calling: Community Services, Kilkenny 056 7784600.


Psychiatry of Later Life

It is estimated that one in four people will experience some mental health problem in their lifetime. If you feel persistently sad, have trouble sleeping or experience unexplained aches and pains, you should visit your GP for some advice. Most people are treated by the GP alone, unless more support, for example, therapy services, is required, in which case you may be referred to the specialist team in the Psychiatry of Later Life.

Last modified: 

Tuesday, November, 24, 2020